November 8, 2010

A Cozy Breakfast

I happened to stumble upon this concoction a few weeks ago, and now it's my new favorite breakfast. It's not really oatmeal with fruit, it's not really compote, but it is yummy, warm, and filling. Perfect for cold mornings! Feel free to tweak it to suit your taste:

1 generous pinch raisins, cranberries, or other dried fruit
dash water
small handful of oatmeal
1/4 - 1/2 C applesauce (I use No Sugar Added plain applesauce)

Combine all ingredients in microwave-safe bowl, crumbling oatmeal slightly as you add it in. Microwave 1 minute, sweeten if desired. You can easily throw in a bit of wheat germ, ground flax seed, etc. if you want to boost the nutritional content.

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