September 22, 2010

BB's Birth Story: Part 3

Part 1
Part 2
I have always been a restless sleeper. I think that having to lie still for the monitor, coupled with the medication being administered every so often gave me my second sleepless night. During the day, my parents and my in-laws had stopped by to visit, no doubt hoping to catch some baby action. Come evening, it was DH again on the cot, sleeping for the next day of work. I remember feeling particularly annoyed that second night over his ability to sleep anywhere.
The next morning, July 8th, the third medication was administered after I signed a legal waiver stating I wouldn't hold the hospital responsible if the medication caused me to suddenly bleed out. I was a bit nervous about how exactly this medication was going to be administered, given the warnings. I was pleased to see that it was a pill - that I could swallow with water! Even though I had been given several cups of ice chips to suck on during my stay, I remained pretty thirsty. On the plus side though, I had stopped throwing up. I did dry heave, but that was much better than barfing.
After 2 doses of the third medication, I was still not effaced or dilated. The doctor told me that she could give me another dose of the medication, or do a C-section. She didn't pressure me for a C-section, but she did say that the current time, mid-afternoon, would be a good time for the procedure. She was concerned that if I had the third dose and there was still no change, it would be evening and then she would be busy with the other mamas giving birth. Why exactly do babies wait until night to be born?
I was adamantly against a C-section, and I opted for a third dose. By now I was s-t-a-r-v-i-n-g, and SO sleepy. I remember thinking that perhaps a C-section wouldn't be so bad, because I wasn't too sure how well I was going to be able to push. All I wanted to do was eat and sleep. By 9:00 that night, there was still no change. The hospital was packed with laboring mamas actually in labor, and there was a need for my room. After checking once again to make sure I didn't want a C-section, the doctor discharged me from the hospital. I was told to see the doctor at the practice first thing Monday morning and then come back to the hospital to be admitted for another attempt at induction.
Part 4

1 comment:

  1. Despite having to leave without a baby, I bet you were glad to be going home to sleep and eat! Those are two things I can't do without for long.


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