September 21, 2010

BB's Birth Story: Part 1

My pregnancy with BB began as they usually do ;) Foods that I liked suddenly smelled terrible, and I felt "off." When I learned I was pregnant with BB, I immediately started praying that God would let me stay pregnant with him. In retrospect, perhaps I prayed too much about that.
Other than some serious 9-month-long morning sickness, my pregnancy with BB was largely uneventful. I tried to console myself by telling myself that morning sickness meant that my body was making the hormones it should. Looking back through my pregnancy journal, I see that I wrote how concerned I was that my baby would be born small because I kept throwing up. The only things I could always keep down were Subway Cold Cut Trios and Rice Krispie Treats. Everything else, even oatmeal and crackers weren't safe from my morning sickness.
My pregnancy seemed to fly by - and take forever. Even though my due date was June 30th, I had the nursery ready by mid-May. Despite everyone telling me that first babies are late babies, I just knew that I had to have the nursery ready by 36 weeks.
By the beginning of June, BB was head down and in position to launch. At my 37 week appointment, the doctor estimated that BB might weigh 8 pounds at birth, and that she would be surprised if I could have anything larger than an 8 pound baby without a C-section.
38, 39, 40...
My June 30th due date came and went. I was really surprised and disappointed by that, because I was sure that I was really due earlier than June 30th. But then, what did I know? The doctor told me that I hadn't even started to efface or dilate. With that bit of cheery news, I was told that if BB didn't make his appearance by July 6th, I was to report to the hospital for an induction. I wasn't at all pleased with that idea. I didn't want Pitocin, constant fetal monitoring, and a highly medical birth. I was all about the no drugs, delay cord cutting birth. My birth plan was very specific regarding how I wanted everything to be. But you know what they say about plans...
Part 2

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