May 19, 2009


Two months, three weeks after this post, BB finally started walking on his own. We were told that he would walk 1-4 weeks after having his cast removed, but it took 6.5 weeks. Up until this point, he has been crawling or holding onto someone with both hands, just like a baby who is learning how to walk for the first time. We are all so relieved that he is almost back to his old self! Here are some pictures of the event:

"Mommy, look! I standing!"

"I walking, Mommy!"

He was really pleased with himself at his accomplishment, and so was I!


  1. what a cutie! I love that last photo, he just looks so happy!

  2. He cracked me up yesterday when he said, "Look, guys, I walking! Guys, look, I walking!" My cousin used to call us "guys" when he was two. It's so cute to hear that coming from such a little voice.

  3. YAY! I'm so happy to see that!

  4. Such wonderful news, Heather!

  5. That's awesome news! Good for him, and good for mommy and daddy, too. :)

  6. Good!!! I'm so happy for that little man!

  7. So glad to see he's back to normal. :) What a cutie, too.

  8. Heather this is great news. You must be so relieved and your little man looks so proud of himself too.

    Blessings to your family,


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