March 31, 2009

Better than Blossoming Bitterness

I once worked a retreat that had all of the workers introduce themselves with their first and middle name as well as what their names meant (there was a baby name book provided). According to that book, my name means "blossoming bitterness." Perhaps that's why I'm so into what names mean... anyway, when Wilma at Little Toes & Cheerios posted her results on her blog, I knew I had to copy.

Your Name's Power is Curiosity

Your name's power is that it helps you be curious.

Your name conveys that you are an energetic traveler of life.

People who meet you can't help but think you are thriving.

You try to live your life with mercy and enthusiasm.

Your Name's Power is Perception

Your name's power is that it helps you be perceptive.

Your name conveys both wholeness and wisdom.

People who meet you can't help but think you are enlightened.

You try to live your life with flexibility and insight.


  1. Guess what my name's power is? Creativity! That brought a smile to my face. Thanks Heather.

  2. Mine's "optimism". I suppose one might say that my glass is usually half full, but as likely as not to be full of something I wouldn't want to drink anyway.

  3. Haha! I went to go check my power and then remembered we have the same first name! That made it easy :)


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