December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

1. Eat healthier - which will be a challenge on a frugal budget in the middle of winter. Fruits and vegetables are not cheap! I definitely want a garden this summer so I can put up produce for next winter.
2. Exercise regularly - probably at a gym, another frugal challenge. $30 a month seems to be the best rate I can find for a gym. I will have to go to the gym when hubby is home, so that's either early morning (when nobody is there) or evening (when everyone else is at the gym).
3. Eat out less often - perhaps only twice a month, in order to free up money for said gym and healthier eating. You have no idea how much I like eating out, and how much I hate "having" to cook at home.
4. Limit coffee purchasing to once a week - UGH! I hate this one, but buying coffee several times a week is not the best use of my money. Besides, only having store-bought coffee once a week will make it seem like more a treat


  1. Have you checked out Tim's Gym off White Road in Byron? He's given Mr. Herb a good rate for our family. Don't know what he'd do for a single member. He probably is not cheaper than $30 though. If you can stand the music, it is a good place.

  2. I'm with you on numbers 1 and 2. Healthy eating is definitely a challenge (even more so with small children and a picky husband), but I really am going to work on it as well.

    As soon as I have had my 6 week appt and the doctor says that my body is normal again, I plan on joining Curves here in Perry. It is also about $30/month. My resolution is to go at least 3 times a week.

    Hopefully the combination of the two resolutions will help me lose all these extra pregnancy pounds.

    Good luck!


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