September 20, 2010

My Multitude Monday #22

holy experience

#237 a safe trip to the mountains with family
#238 a fun trip to the mountains with family
#239 rolling views at sunrise
#240 porch swings
#241 a cup of coffee steaming in the morning air
#242 jacuzzi bathtubs
#243 big country breakfasts
#244 late-night games around the kitchen table
#245 apple picking
#246 biting into an apple fresh from the sunshine
#247 apple cider
#248 local bar-b-que places tucked away from the main drag
#249 put-put with the family
#250 mining for gemstones
#251 preschoolers who'd rather play in the water than mine for gemstones
#252 barrels of candy at country stores
#253 finding Christmas presents early - and on sale
#254 planning next year's trip
#255 driving home
#256 unpacking new treasures
#257 sleeping in my own bed

1 comment:

  1. Counting along with you ... As always a joy to splash in thankfulness all around.



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