January 11, 2010

My Multitude Monday #4

holy experience

41. The whistle of the tea kettle
42. Hearing, "Mommy, you're so bootiful!" as I wake up from a nap in a very unattractive state.
43. Scoring a bargain for our bathroom renovation.
44. Finding the perfect item at Goodwill and learning it's the color of the week.
45. Learning that DH will not have to travel to New York, but may have to travel to Florida. A hardship, for sure.
46. A few hours spent alone with no pressing plans.
47. Spotting the perfect birthday gift for a friend.
48. Learning that a suspicious mole was caught in time.
49. Peppermint hot chocolate :)
50. One week of homeschooling finished.
51. Compliments on my baking.
52. Finding the perfect arrangements of pillows and blankets for the night.


  1. Mommy, your so bootiful! How precious is that gift.

  2. #49---Really? Did you like it? I cannot tell you how stressed I have been about this! Have wonderful day!


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