April 27, 2009

Not that I'm Complaining

... but WHY did my toddler stay awake in his room until after 11 last night? And then wake up at 4:30 this morning? While we're at it, why did the 10 minute nap in the car somehow refresh him enough to not need a regular nap - despite only have 5ish hours of sleep? I know naptime hasn't been a big hit lately, but come on - MOMMY needs a nap!


  1. Bless your heart. Maybe tomorrow will be better! Blessings, Faye

  2. Those 10 minute car naps are killers.

  3. Oh naptime... My kids all gave them up around 2-3 years old... I do miss those breaks!

  4. Poor thing! I hope that today is better...

  5. Ah yes, the sleep patterns of a toddler. Baffling. I think they must have energy storage reserves....

    Oh, and I have no idea how those 10 min naps seem to energize them for the day. If my kids fall asleep for any length of time in the car they WILL NOT nap at home.
    What's up with that?

    Here's hopin' for an early bedtime :)

  6. I'm sorry. Would it help if I told you that these day will be over soon? :) Here's hoping he slept in really long the next day.

  7. I SOOOOOOOOOO understand!!! I'm exhausted. :P


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