April 30, 2009

An Award

Kim has graciously awarded me with this Attitude of Gratitude award. As with most awards, there are a few requirements:
* Put the logo on your blog or post
* Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an an attitude of gratitude
* Link to your nominees within your post
* Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
* Share the love & link to this post & the person who nominated you for the award
* Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude
My nominees for this award are:
Wendi at Every Day Miracles
Becky at Everyday Becky
Sarah at Kingdom Twindom
Sarah Mae at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee
Leigh at Victory of Sexual Abuse
The Queen at The Queen B
Narelle at Moments for Mum
Stretch Mark Mama at Stretch Mark Mama
Kelli at "Writing" the Waves of Motherhood
Sarah at Blue Castle
Whew! I don't think I've ever listed 10 blogs for an award before - but these ladies all deserve it. I am usually uplifted and inspired when I read their posts.
As for how I came to have an attitude of gratitude, I don't think that I have a positive attitude. I tend to be very much worse-case scenario about things. I suppose a lot of my negativity stems from my past. Yet as a Christian, I am given the power through the Holy Spirit to overcome my past. After all, 1 Peter 3:15 urges us to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." While I may do a fair job of staying positive on my blog, all too often I fail at this in real life.
However, since I know that I tend towards the negative, I am trying to change this behavior with God's help. I have several examples around me of what not to do in terms of attitude and relationships. I try to allow my interactions with these people to inspire me to do the opposite of them. So while my attitude of gratitude is very much a work in progress, it's nice to know that at least one person thinks of me as positive :) Good motivation for me to continue!


  1. Hi Heather
    Thanks for the award. I have the same struggles being negative/positive. We are a lot alike in this area.
    Thanks again and thanks for you blog.

  2. THANK YOU! You are so kind!!

    I'm learning each day just how icky I am...but that makes God's grace so much more amazing to me, which in turn cultivates an attitude of gratitude! It's a work in progress, but I'm persevering just like you!

  3. Thank you very much for this. I have seen this award on many other blogs and am so touched that you'd give it to me... I love the lemonade stand logo. For too many of us, life is all about making lemonade from the abundance of lemons we've been handed. I am humbled to hear that my blog means a lot to you. Hugs to you, Heather.

  4. I'm so sorry that it took me so long to thank you for this! I'm touched that you feel that way about my blogging. Thank you so much, Heather!


Thank you so much for caring enough to leave a comment! I typically don't respond to each separate comment here on my blog. If you would like to ask me a question and have my reply, please feel free to e-mail me at heathershodgepodge@hotmail.com