April 7, 2008

Something to Think About

"Grace means that God, in forgiving you, does not kill you. Grace means that God, in forgiving you, gives you the strength to endure the consequences. Grace frees us so that we can obey our Lord. It does not mean that sin's consequences are automatically removed." - Chuck Swindoll, David, (page 211)
That's something you don't hear too often in most churches nowadays! It's also something that most believers don't seem to believe.


  1. Hey, I'm writing to say I must have answered something wrong on the accent quiz, 'cause they definitely pegged me for Southern. WHo knows, I may have read something wrong. However, all my second, third, anfd forurth influences were all about the same percentage - Midland, inland North and Northeast. West was the smallest. Miss Danna

  2. "and", "fourth" - misspelled words (or should I say mistyped) from my comment


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